Researchers and practitioners associated with the LAND4FLOOD spread the word about the COST Action worldwide.

On 26th May 2022, Mr. Rupesh Shrestha (Germany) presented a joint research paper titled “Enhancing Kathmandu’s Urban Design Through Implementation of Green Infrastructures” at the EGU General Assembly 2022, taking place in Vienna (Austria). In the presentation, Mr. Shrestha and co-authors Prof. Dr. Robert Jüpner and Dr. Thomas Thaler shared application examples of green infrastructures and a framework for optimizing green infrastructure systems in Nepal. Mr. Shrestha also presented the practitioner’s perspective on technical challenges in green infrastructure implementation in Kathmandu and pointed out recommendations to overcome them.


On 21-24 September 2021, COST Action member Ružica Stričević (Serbia) represented the LAND4FLOOD at the international congress Soil for future under global challenges held in Sokobanja (Serbia). She talked about the impact of nature based solutions for flood risk management on soil and agricultural development.


On 22 – 24 June 2021, 4th European Conference on Flood Risk Management took place virtually. LAND4FLOOD COST Action hosted special session: Coping with the challenges of using private land for flood water storage (with the support of Lenka Slavikova, Andras Kis, Piotr Matczak, Nejc Bezak and Gabor Ungvari).



In February 2021, International Academic Association on Planning, Law and Property Rights run the on-line sessions instead of regular international conference. The special session on Planning, Law, Property Rights, and Hazards in a Climate Changing World: A Cross-National Contemplation was co-chaired by Lenka Slavikova. The results of join cooperation within the STSM were presented by Paul Hudson (contribution titled: Balancing the interaction between urban regeneration and flood risk management – a cost benefit approach in Ústí nad Labem).


On 18 – 10 December 2020, COST Action member Artan Hysa (Albania) attended the international conference representing LAND4FLOOD with the contribution LAND4FLOOD Network as an opportunity to bring together diverse Stakeholders in Combating Flooding beyond Engineered Solutions. Due to COVID-19 pandemics the event was virtual. See the detailed programme at the conference web page HERE  or the presentation of Artan at the video HERE (check the interval: 3:40 – 3:58).


On 2 October 2020, virtual LAND4FLOOD section was organized at HKC Congress to disseminate COST Action thoughts and achievement to practitioners. Jan Macháč (Czechia), Thomas Thaler (Austria) and Juliane Albrecht (Germany) represented the L4F group with different topics (see the program here).


On 7-12 April 2019, Mary Bourke (Ireland) disseminated information about LAND4FLOOD COST Action at the EGU General Assembly 2019, taking place in Vienna (Austria). She also presented A strategic look at natural water retention measures in Ireland.


On 18 – 22 February 2019, Thomas Hartmann, Sofia Nikolic Popadic and Jan Brabec gave their presentations at the annual conference of International Association for Planning, Law and Property Rights in College Station, Texas (USA). Abstract of their presentations are available here.


On 23rd March 2018, Zorica Srdjevic was invited to share her experiences with COST Actions including LAND4FLOOD at the COST Info Days  in Belgrade (Serbia). Prof. Sierd Cloetingh, President of the COST Association, and Prof. Eva Kondorosi, Vice President of the European Research Council, were present as well as more than 100 people from Serbian universities and research institutes.


On 8 – 13th April 2018, Lukas Löschner presented the COST Action at EGU General Assembly in Vienna (Austria) under the title: LAND4FLOOD – Natural Flood Retention on Private Land: turning the traditional perspective of flood risk management on land upside-down.


On 21st March 2018, Michele Pezzagno displayed LAND4FLOOD poster at the International Conference and Exhibition Labirinto d’Acque in Parma (Italy). The conference was organized under the supervision of UN-Water, UN-Chy of WMO, WWAP of UNESCO and ISPRA.


On 19th – 23rd February 2018, Arthur Schindelegger and Lenka Slavikova disseminated information about LAND4FLOOD COST Action during their presentations at the Annual PLPR Conference called Migrations – Impacts, Law and Spatial Planning in Novi Sad (Serbia).


On 19-20th September 2017, Jochen Schanze informed about LAND4FLOOD COST Action at the 8th Water Research Horizon Conference 2017 in Hamburg (Germany).